The concept of leadership virtuosity has been remarkably instrumental in raising the performance of organizations and their leaders wherever it has been applied.
Based on the idea that leadership is ultimately a performing art, this book provides all of the background you might need to apply the concept in your home or your organization.
As a leader, mastering your craft is indispensable. So is making a high-performance organization. You cannot move up to virtuosity until you have the kind of organization that makes this possible.
You can’t teach “virtuosity.” But Leadership Virtuosity can bring you where you need to be to take that final step.
It is rich with practical detail while bringing the ideal within reach. There is no other book quite like it. It offers you a solid place to stand while learning what you have to learn. It will awaken and arm your spirit.
It doesn’t take the cheap shot and tell you how to “do it.” It tells you who you must be if you actually want to do it.