Mental Hygiene: Communication and the Health of the Mind

One of the greatest gains in human health and longevity came not from medical “science” but from sanitation and hygiene.  Why might this not also not be the case with our waning mental health and longevity? That is the question Mental Hygiene: Communication and the Health of the Mind takes on and then answers.

It offers substantial evidence that a similar approach can be enormously effective. Where once it was human crowding that contributed to poor physical health, it is now the impact of toxic mental diets and lack of mental immunity that contributes to our increasing personal and social malaise.

We have expanded our reach many times over with our communication technologies, from smart phones to entertainment diversions of every sort.

We are drowning in a sea of “information” that we have little or no need for. We no longer know what our personal or our collective destination is, or ought to be. So we don’t know what course to take. Our minds have become less healthy while what we feed them has become more toxic. It is a dire situation for mankind.

This book explains the desperate circumstances in which we are becoming perversely self-victimized in this world of ours. And it explains what you can do about it – if you’ve a mind to.

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